Monday, September 7, 2015

Don't be Foolin

Don't Be Foolin
There are many times when we are not real with those around us! All of us have pretended to be something we are not at one time or another. Maybe you acted like you knew about something that you really had no inkling about! Have you ever been sitting in class and the teacher call on you and you have no Idea what they are talking about! All of the sudden you have a feeling of panic that comes over you and the emptiness in your stomach. So you gather yourself as quickly as possible and pretend that you know what they are talking about! Sometime you can pull it off! You say just enough to fool them into thinking you know what's going on. 
I can remember fooling my parents at times. I would be asked to do something and I would do just enough to convince them I had done what I was asked to do.  People can be fooled at times. It's not right to do this, but it does happen from time to time. God on the other hand is not fooled! He sees right through us. He knows if we are living the way we should or not. People thought they could fool Jesus all through the New Testament. However, He saw right through this act. He still does by the way! People bounce from church to church and place to place.  I believe they do this thinking if they keep hopping then no one will see the real them!  Blame everyone else for their troubles and they will not have to accept responsibility for their own sin and failures.  You can fool your friends, family, boyfriend, girlfriend, mom, dad and teachers and yes, even your pastor. But you will never fool God! He looks right through the "smoke screen" we put up and sees the condition of our hearts! Remember the story of the rich young man in Matthew 19:16-22. This guy thought he had things figured out. He asks Jesus what he needs to do to make it to heaven! Jesus gives him the commandments and this guy says, "I keep all of the commandments." He goes further by saying to Jesus he has done these things from his childhood. However, Jesus sees through all that is said to the heart of the young man, "Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions." 
(Matthew 19:21-22)
Wow! Can you believe it? The young man thought he had fooled Jesus. The point is, he did not and you and I cannot fool Jesus. Be real! God will deal with self honesty! So why not be open to Him about where you are in your spiritual life. After all Jesus has never been anyone's FOOL! 
Praying For You!
Pastor P.

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