Thursday, January 5, 2012



21 days of Consecration begins this Sunday January 8-21, 2012.   I want to challenge you to take part in this corporate fast for a mighty move of God’s Spirit in our personal lives, our families, church, community and nation!  The next few weeks God is calling us to a deeper walk and revelation of Jesus.   The church needs to encourage, and build up one another in this fast.  Here are some pointers of how our fast might reach its full potential in our lives:

·        Stay focused on the things of God. (Listen, watch and do things to keep your mind on Christ)

·        If at all possible, don’t miss church.  (You will need the extra boost in your life.)

·        Stay focused on the things you want God to do in your life, as a result of this fast.

·        Feed your mind with the Word, prayer, meditation, and Worship.  Avoid the things of the world during your fast,(i.e. limit TV, internet, and other amusements).  Instead, feed your mind with Christian music, books, messages, prayer, meditation, and worship.

·        Keep a journal.  It helps to write down your thoughts, and feelings during the fast!

·        Remember; above all else, this is your time to really hear from God!

To help in the fast we will be doing some things differently during the next three weeks.  Wednesday Nights we will be having revival type services in the sanctuary.  Let us keep our eyes on Jesus and our prayers focused!  This is a time you can, and will hear from God, if you will just put your whole heart into seeking His face.

Pastor, P.

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