Monday, October 27, 2008

"An Honest Moment!"

To be totally honest I got and e-mail last night about the persecution of Christians in the nation of Kenya! I felt bad for those people but I did not have true empathy for them. I have spent the morning repenting for my lack of genuine heart felt compassion. I think we forget so often how blessed and spoiled we are in this nation of ours. I am afraid that sometimes we live out the scripture in
Matt 24:12 "Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold,"
We cannot get to the place that our love toward people becomes cold because we feel helpless and unable to change this evil world around us.
Truly if we are the body of Christ then we should be moved beyond just the feeling bad for those people to true heart felt prayer and anguish. When we hear of things like the horrors in Kenya we should not be able to go right to sleep! We should be so troubled that we can't find rest until we touch God on behalf of our family that is suffering!
I just ate lunch and my biggest problem was to choose what to eat. There are people right now that have to try to find something to eat so they will not starve. So right now yes pray for the Christians that are suffering! However, before you do why not join old Pastor P. and repent for not being moved beyond just feeling bad about the situation to imagining you were in their shoes.
Prayers for you and our suffering brothers and sister who are across this world!

Remember you are in my prayers!
Pastor P.